Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Review of Educating Autumn by Jane B. Night

Autumn is a young girl who has just reached the age to marry. Orion is a young man heading off to college. When he sees her in his uncle's store, he knows he has to have her. Theirs is a sweet and tender romance. He woos her gently and teaches her a new way of life.The author paints a very clear picture of a post apocalyptic world where women are seen as property by most men. Orion is a gentle soul, so deeply in love with his innocent bride.

The story is very moving. the imagery is brilliant. A great start to what promises to be a fabulous series!

Jane was born in Ohio but has also lived in Alaska and Georgia.
She currently resides in Ohio with her boyfriend and twin daughters.
When not writing Jane loves to read, scrapbook, and play video games.
She graduated from Hocking College in the Health Information Management program and works at a local hospital in the medical records department.

You can buy it here: Smashwords, Amazon

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