Monday, December 30, 2013

Let's get this started!

I just want to start by saying that I created this blog over 5 years ago and this is my first post. Yeah, I'm a bit of a procrastinator. Why now, you ask? I've been doing some pretty serious self reflection lately and I've come to the conclusion that I've spent so much time waiting for my life to happen that I haven't actually been putting much effort forward to make it happen. Here I am, over 40, completely baffled as to how i managed to grow up without my knowing it. Sucks, yeah, I know.

This is the perfect time to remedy that. We are on the cusp of a brand new year. I am determined to get it right this year. I hope you enjoy my journey!

First things first...

Everyone makes resolutions. I am usually the first one to break mine. I admit it. I lack a certain amount of commitment. See above if you doubt me. This year, my #1 resolution is to work on that. That being said, here are my resolutions for 2014:

1. Make this whole writer thing work. 

I've been writing as long as I can remember. I've always been better at communicating by writing rather than by talking. I swear, sometimes I think when I speak it comes out in some sort of dead language that no one else speaks and in my head is indistinguishable from English. But when I write, it is so much easier. I can sound smart and serious and even funny. I feel like I have so much to say, it's about damn time I said it.

I wrote a book. I have to say I'm proud of it. I hope you read it. I'm working on getting it out there. Self publishing is one of the coolest things to come along in this electronic age. I resolve to work hard to navigate the serious business of promoting my book as well as writing more. I've already started a new book and have so many ideas. It's time to get them out of my head and into the world.

Amazon author Page

2. Clean my house

It's been a pretty hectic year. Stress and one thing after another have taken their toll. My house has become one dead cat away from an episode of Hoarders. It has to stop. I resolve to clean up my act and get back on track.

3. Finish school and get a job

Seems like every time the end is in sight, something prolongs it. In any event, I have never been unemployed for this long, ever. I like school. I like being home for the kids. I like having time to do other things I enjoy. I detest being broke. Job=cash. Simple. therefore, a job I must have. I'd be over the moon if I could sell enough books to avoid the whole job thing, but, while i am going to do everything I can, holding my breath is not one of those things.

Enough of that. Onwards and upwards. As for this blog, I have some plans. I resolve to write something every day, even if it is a rant about how I don't have anything to say. I also want to do some book reviews, maybe some random cooking stuff, and of course, post updates about my writing.

Until next time...

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